Chickens, Chickens Everywhere

Chickens, chickens everywhere, but not an egg to find!

Roaming roosters, chickens, and their babies is a constant sight here on the island.  I kind of enjoy watching our local baby chicks at the elementary get bigger.  They've already grown so fast!

One cool thing about our school is we are offered a gardening class for our students to participate in.  Every other week my class gets to meet with the gardening teacher for 45 mins.  Today they replanted a native plant (forgot the name) so they're not as close to the building and have more space to grow.

Life is busy with teaching.  Still trying to figure how to have other aspects of life while teaching at the same time; thus, the lack of post updates..

Sam has been getting up to date with helicopters, spending time flying and studying ground info.  Hopefully he can get recertify later this month!

...He also just got a motorcycle permit...😳

We moved into our final destination housing here on Maui, yay!!!  We have been busy trying to furnish it, having fun at garage sales and FB Marketplace "camp outs" waiting for the items we need to appear.  I'll have to do a video tour of the plqce once it's a little more "settled in" looking, lol.

Phoebe is loving the stray cats we have around our property, and they are sweet ones.  I recently enjoyed making homemade guacamole from the avocado tree outside our place.  And we've got to pick a few papayas too from the trees on the property as well.  Lincoln looks like he's getting older looking to me, always bittersweet!

Grateful to be here and still in the midst of trying to figure the island life out!  Till next time!

- Aki 


  1. Love reading your updates! Let me know when you figure out that balance thing--and keep working toward it!! Gardening "specials" sounds really cool! Miss ya;)

  2. It’s fun seeing an update on your family. Glad y’all are enjoying your new place and your new job. Please tell the kiddos and Sam hi. 😊


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